Making a Positive Impact in the World.

Here, we understand the importance of caring for our planet and its inhabitants. That's why we're committed to creating eco-friendly products and supporting charitable causes that align with our values. By choosing Chroma Critters, you're not only bringing unique art into your life, but also making a positive impact on the environment and helping animals in need.

Less Waste More Recycling wood letters

Eco-Friendly Materials and Practices.

Our commitment to the environment begins with the materials we use. We strive to source sustainable and recyclable materials for our products, such as paper, wood, metal, organic fabrics for our canvases and clothing, and ceramic for our mugs. We understand that every choice we make affects the planet, so we work diligently to minimize our ecological footprint in every aspect of our business.

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Reducing Our Carbon Footprint.

In addition to using eco-friendly materials, we also take steps to reduce our carbon footprint. We have partnered with a service that processes our products as close to our customers as possible. By doing so, we ensure shorter transportation distances, reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and minimizing the environmental impact of our shipping process.

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Supporting Animal Welfare from the Start.

Although 2023 marks the debut of Chroma Critters, we are already committed to making a positive impact on animal welfare. We believe in the importance of helping animals in need and have selected two local organizations (still to be determined) that focus on rescuing and sheltering abandoned animals. These organizations work tirelessly to prevent the unnecessary euthanasia of animals due to lack of resources and space, and we are proud to support their efforts.

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Your Purchase Makes a Difference.

When you choose to purchase a product from Chroma Critters, you are directly contributing to our mission of protecting the environment and supporting animal welfare. We pledge to donate 1.5% of the value of each product sold to our chosen animal welfare organizations. By making a purchase, you're not only acquiring a beautiful piece of art, but you're also helping to improve the lives of animals in need.

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Our Gratitude and Commitment.

We are truly grateful for the support and trust our customers place in us, and we are committed to continuously improving our eco-friendly practices and charitable contributions. As Chroma Critters grows, we will strive to expand our positive impact on the planet and the lives of its inhabitants. Together, we can create a better world for all living beings.